Costs and Charges including Transaction Costs
Charges within your pension Scheme can be met by a deduction from your pension pot and, in some instances, from a fee paid by your employer. The costs and charges applying to your pension pot are made up of two elements which we’ve shown below.
Administration Charges – these are the charges made for running the pension Scheme and investing your money. The administration charge includes charges made by Aviva and the fund manager of the funds your pension is invested in. This charge may sometimes be referred to as the Total Expense Ratio (TER). These charges have been rounded up to 2 decimal places.
Transaction Costs – these are the total costs covering “buying and selling” costs and “lending and borrowing” costs. Transaction costs can be split into:
Transaction costs have been calculated using the slippage cost method that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have told all fund managers they must use. Because this method takes into account changes in prices between the time an instruction to buy or sell an investment is placed, and the time the transaction is completed, a negative cost can be calculated. These costs can be found within your employer’s individual total charges disclosure report located on your employer’s specific webpage. These costs have been rounded to 3 decimal places.
The Trustees rely on the managers of the funds you’re invested in to provide details of the transaction costs that are deducted from your pension pot. The Trustees are working with Aviva to obtain the most complete data possible. The administration charges and latest transaction costs are shown below. Comments are included where details of transaction costs are limited in any way.
The charges below are the charges that apply across Aviva Master Trust as a whole. They incorporate both Administration Charges and Transaction Costs. All costs and charges shown are the percentage of a member’s fund that’s taken each year to meet the cost of the charges borne by them as a member. Charges payable by employers are not shown but will be reflected in lower member charges.
The charges you pay will depend on which employer’s section you’re a member of. To see the charges that apply to the funds available to you, you should search “<your pension scheme's name> pension charges”. This will take you to a web site specific to your workplace pension. We’ll include a link to the website in your annual benefit statement too. We recommend that you try different search engines such as Bing and Yahoo as well as Google given that searches will be optimised differently by search engine providers.
In the Default column of the Cost and Charges table, it shows where a fund could be part of a Default Investment Option that is applicable for members of one or more of the Sections that are shown within that page of the table.