Engagement progress in 2022
During 2022, we engaged with all companies in the portfolio, holding meetings with 67 per cent, with overall 75 substantive engagements carried out.
Phase 1 of the NCEP launched in March 2022 when letters were sent to all board chairs setting out our expectations. Companies have generally been receptive to our engagement asks and welcomed our feedback and discussions on these topics. As of year-end, 88 per cent of holdings in the portfolio had responded to our original outreach letter.
We have also undertaken 75 substantive engagements in total and at least one with each holding10, ranging from bespoke letters to one-to-one meetings with company representatives, such as members of the Board, senior executives or managers of specialist areas.
Since inception, two engagement ‘wins’ have been delivered, defined as where we have observed changes in corporate behaviour in line with our asks. We have also seen examples of more gradual improvement, largely in the third bespoke ask, where we identified particular gaps in each company’s approach to managing natural capital risks. Here, six companies have taken steps to address our requests, which were in the areas of circular economy, water quality and quantity management, deforestation and traceability.