In 2023, we will continue to use this programme as part of our broader active ownership work to drive companies to transition towards a more socially equitable society.
We will continue to increase pressure on the STEP focus group, particularly those falling in scope of upcoming regulation on mandatory human rights due diligence, to close gaps in existing approaches. It is our ambition to transcend from discussions about human rights due diligence processes and human rights impact assessments to discussions about individual salient issues and the effectiveness of companies’ actions, although this may not be possible in all markets. We also expect companies to be more transparent about their practices regarding living wages and dialogue with stakeholders such as unions and communities.
As noted, we have an escalation pathway that could lead to divestment if insufficient progress is observed against the engagement asks of the programme. We do acknowledge, however, the challenges of implementing these asks and will evaluate companies on their progress over time, recognising strategic changes will take time to be implemented into a company’s processes. As 2022 was the first year of STEP, no action was taken by way of escalation against companies, However, progress will be considered within our 2023 AGM activity, such as voting on special and ordinary resolutions.